Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Whether you've nursed a baby or noticed a decrease in the perkiness of your breasts, sagging breasts can be troublesome to many women. Gravity helps loosen the firmness of the breast tissue as the lobules inside the breasts thin as women age. Large breasted women and those that have nursed their babies often find a distinct sagging of the breast tissue. This natural occurrence can be combated with exercises to strengthen the muscles beneath the breast tissue. In addition, proper posture and a correctly fitted bra also combat sagging breasts. It is possible to naturally lift sagging breasts although heredity, weight gain (and loss), and lifestyle play a large role in loss of tone to the breasts.


Things You'll Need

  • Properly fitted bra
  • Massage oil
  • Lotion
Suggest Edits
    • 1
      Check your bras for a proper fit. Many department stores offer measurement services to ensure a proper fit. Always make sure to wear a properly fitted bra with appropriate support.
    • 2
      Always wear appropriate bras during exercise. A regular bra doesn't provide the necessary support for your breast tissue when jumping, jogging or dancing. You'll alleviate some sagging simply by not aggravating your situation by wearing the correct exercise attire.
    • 3
      Massage oil or lotion into your breasts regularly. As women age, the skin produces less collagen and elastin, the two ingredients to healthy skin. Properly hydrated skin naturally looks healthier and retains firmness. Always massage lotion into your breasts after showering to retain moisture.
    • 4
      Perform some simple but effective exercises regularly. Twenty push-ups every day will naturally combat sagging breasts and tone to the muscle of the chest wall. You can do bent knee push-ups or even push-ups against the wall. You'll get the added benefit of shaping up your arms quite nicely too.
    • 5
      Stand straight with your hands pressed together a chest height. On a 10 count, press your hands together with even pressure, count to 5 and release for 5 . Press for 5 counts and release. You should feel this exercise right on the pectoral area of the chest. Start with 10 reps and work up to 20 reps every other day.
    • 6
      Address your posture when you are standing, sitting and walking. A straight back, aligned spine and relaxed shoulders help naturally lift sagging breasts with very little effort. Keep your chin parallel with the ground as well.
    • 7
      Eat a proper diet filled with fresh vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Diet plays a role in helping keep skin elastic and healthy. Nutrition is key to keeping skin looking young and fresh and retaining muscle tone.